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First post
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

This is my first post and i don't know what to write. So i'll tell you how i started to make a blog. My big sister made a blog before me and she told me to make one. She helped me to create a name for my blog and she thought of "world of funkii monkeys!" for me. She also helped me get my display picture and the picture named cheeky monkey. And it was her that wrote " if you notice this notice you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing. enjoy my page (stalker)" cause i couldnt think of anything to write, and i dont think i would have wrote that myself. If i did write it myself then i would have wrote about what's my favourite colour and so on. Bye for now

trick or treat ♥

Deliciously me. ;
15thJan (:
I like even numbers
I like aqua&purple
tagboard ;

exits ;


thanks to ;
designer | theJUNE
image | QueenOfDorks
fonts | dafont
base codings | kathleen

so yesterdays ;
March 2010
December 2010
January 2011
June 2011