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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Sorry i haven't been blogging for the past few months, i guess i was just busy preparing for a test and doing hw. Since i haven't been on for a while i forgot my password and had to reset a but of coarse i tried to figure out my password but couldn't. ok, so i just got my report and thought it was kinda good.for the whole subjects i didn't get any sounds mostly highs and a few outstanding ( more like 2). The worst subject for me was maths. Thats about bloggers BBBBBBBBYYYYYYYYYEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!

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trick or treat ♥

Deliciously me. ;
15thJan (:
I like even numbers
I like aqua&purple
tagboard ;

exits ;


thanks to ;
designer | theJUNE
image | QueenOfDorks
fonts | dafont
base codings | kathleen

so yesterdays ;
March 2010
December 2010
January 2011
June 2011